Am Not
I am not the things that have happened to me.I am not my father's angry fist.
I am not the small town where I grew up.
I am not the box they tried to put me in.
I am not the whispers that followed me.
I am not my mother's despondent neglect.
I am not the lies that have been written.
I am not the diploma hanging on the wall.
I am not the dollars and cents in my bank account.
I am not the words that have been published.
I am not a victim, or a stranger, or a ghost.
I am not your punching bag.
I am not your biggest mistake.
I am not the receptacle of your hatred.
I am not the sadness in your eyes.
I am not a regret, or a memory, or a boast.
Jay, I like this piece very much. I seem to discover all the time that I am not many of the things that I thought I was--some quite tragic in the holding of false beliefs and living as if they were true. I think Lil' would agree. :-)
Hey! You're back! That is a terrific, strong piece of writing.
most excellent...
Wow. Love it.
Maybe this is too personal a question, but I can't help wondering if it's directed at someone... or several someones... or an instance of the self-absolution in which we all indulge ourselves to stay centred...? :)
enjoyed your I'm nots....
your template looks very familiar?
Well, then, who ARE you?
Hi, am here on a semi-official visit from the novel racers to ask whether you still want to be in the race? We've noticed that you haven't been to the coffee breaks recently, and the new racers aren't being added to your sidebar. If you would like to stay with us, please leave a comment on Kate/Wordgirl's blog in the next week to say so (and we would also be grateful if you could update your sidebar). If you want to leave, you don't need to do anything and we'll take you off at the end of next week. If that's the case, you will always be welcome to return, again by leaving a comment on Kate's blog or sending her an email.
Hello again, apparently some people have been upset by my last message, I don't know if you are one of them but if you are please do accept my apologies. This subject has been under discussion at the last two coffee breaks and we thought we'd come up with a good way forward, but sometimes things come across differently than they are meant... there was no intention of wagging fingers or telling anyone off, just an attempt to find out who wanted to stay and who didn't as our sidebars are getting very long! I'm really very sorry if my comment upset you, and please do email me if this apology feels insufficient.
That's a very powerful piece ~ I loved it! I've read it twice now, nodding along with each line, ang I know it will stay with me for a while
Great writing:)
Profound and despite the pain, it shows such strength and a spirit of a conquerer.
And don't think the poetry is bad. It's not. Maybe all the iambic pentameters or whatever are not there (would I know that - not!) - but hey, poetry and painting should be passion and in that, they define and validate their own being.
That was wondeful. :)
perhaps, but I might just be this poem...
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